We all know Old Man Winter can wreak havoc on our skin. Did you know it can also wreak havoc on your pet’s skin and coat?

If your cat or dog has been suffering from dandruff or dry coat, look no further than fish oil.

Fish oil contains two essential fatty acids, both omega-3s that are only made in limited capacity by dog’s and cat’s bodies, which is why they may need a supplement to maintain their silky, soft coats.

Omega-3s come straight from fish such as salmon, cod, tuna, sardines, and anchovies, so any of those oils will aid your pet’s coat just fine, including decreasing occurrences of hot spots. And, aside from just softening up a pet’s skin and coat, omega-3s are anti-inflammatory, meaning that they can aid in helping joint pains, kidney health, allergies, and even the immune system as a whole.

The fatty acids in these omega-3s are found in a dog and cat’s cell membrane, so they act as signals to slow any inflammation your pet may be feeling. Fish oils can arguably be called the natural version of a painkiller such as aspirin.

In some studies, fish oils have been shown to benefit the brain and eye development in puppies, so giving it to pregnant or nursing pets is a really great way to benefit both a mom and her babies at the same time. Omega-3s have also been known to slow the growth of cancer in some cases, so if you’re looking for something healthy to give your pet that will contribute to their overall healthy lifestyle, fish oil is something to check out.

As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to your local pet store if you have questions on this or any pet related topic.